Awards for scientific and technical literature

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Awards for scientific and technical literature

University Highlights

At its meeting on September 27, 2018, the Section Committee for Scientific and Technical Literature and Computer Programs of the Literary Fund presented awards for scientific and technical literature:

Award for scientific and technical literature for 2017 in the Natural and Technical Sciences category was awarded to Ing. Ľudmila Mečiarová, PhD., doc. Ing. Silvia Vilčeková, PhD., a Ing. Eva Krídlová Burdová, PhD. from the Faculty of Civil Engineering TUKE for the work  “Výskyt organických zlúčenín vo vnútornom prostredí”(The occurrence of organic compounds in the indoor environment).

Award for remarkable academic response to a single work for 2018 in the Technical Sciences and Geosciences category was awarded to doc. Ing. Miroslav Pástor, PhD. et al., from the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering TUKE, for the work Modal Assurance Criterion, Procedia Engineering, 2012.

Students were also among the award winners:

Award for Best Works of the Student Scientific Conference in the school year 2017/2018 were awarded to Maroš Palko for his work “Návrh experimentálneho vozidla poháňaného stlačeným vzduchom” (Design of an experimental vehicle powered by compressed air);
Eduard Pištej, Marcel Putnocký and Matej Režnickýfor their work “Vývoj prototypu ultraľahkého automobilu pre Shell-eco marathon 2018” (Development of ultralight car prototype for Shell-eco marathon 2018).



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